Experimental Investigation of a Spoiler’s Impact on the Flow Pattern of a High-Speed Sport Car



In this study, the spoiler effect in a different angle of attacks that makes the maximum downforce is conveyed. Two different facilities are utilized to set up the experiment. A wind tunnel is used to measure the downforce and drag force, and a water tunnel is used to observe the velocity profile and flow field visualization. The result revealed that a 12° angle of attack is the optimal angle for designing the spoiler. Twelve degrees angle of attack provided the highest downforce. This downforce can improve the stability of high-speed sports car without increasing much drag. Compared to the angle of attack of 5°, the downforce of the angle of attack equal to 12° increases 233%, but the drag force only increases by 15% in wind tunnel experiments.


Read more about this article :https://lupinepublishers.com/mining-mechanical-engineerning/fulltext/experimental-investigation-of-a-spoilers-impact-on-the-flow-pattern-of-a-high-speed-sport-car.ID.000110.php

Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles : https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=dtO2BpUAAAAJ&citation_for_view=dtO2BpUAAAAJ:Se3iqnhoufwC



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